

In 2023 our winemaker Adrian Manspeaker was finally able to get his hands on a small block of Sauvignon Blanc from the Starscape Vineyard in Russian River Valley, from which we source Pinot Noir for both Joseph Jewell and our Jewell Reserve Wines. Every time he would visit Starscape to check on the Pinot, he’d sneak a golden berry from these Sauvignon Blanc vines and revel in their intense flavor.  Adrian has made Sauvignon Blanc in the past (2007-2011, and 2019) from various sites around Sonoma County. He's even experimented with the Musqué clone–a unique mutation of Sauvignon Blanc we’ll introduce you to later in this article. However, the 2023 Starscape Sauvignon Blanc is a new exploration of this lesser-planted variety in the Russian River for him, with the resulting wine...

As we begin 2023, we are as equally excited for what is to come as we are for how 2022 went for Joseph Jewell! 2022: Looking Back 2022 was, in many ways, our return to normalcy post-COVID. In February, we were thrilled to reopen our Vineyard Tours after the gloomy winter months and were soon met with glorious Summer-like weather. We hosted an Art & Wine event featuring local artist Michelle Carnes in April, which was well-attended and thoroughly enjoyed by many of you! As we rounded the corner to Summer, Master Somm Evan Goldstein held a panel of 20 winemakers at the annual Russian River Valley Pinot Forum featuring our winemaker, Adrian Manspeaker, as one of the vintners who spoke. Later, in August, we hosted our first Vineyard Dinner in three years...

Just outside the town of Healdsburg, the 38 sustainably farmed acres of the Bucher Vineyard produce elegant and nuanced Pinot Noir for our single-vineyard bottling of the same name. Owner and farmer John Bucher has made quite a reputation for himself as a winegrower in the Russian River Valley, with the likes of Williams Selyem lobbying for fruit annually from his Westside Road estate that overlooks the Russian River. Being neighbors with the coveted Rochioli Vineyard to the south, it is easy to understand why the grapes from Bucher Vineyard are held in such high regard. We've been sourcing fruit since 2014 from a steep hillside block on the west edge of the property along with a smaller block towards the bottom of the slope adjacent to Westside Road. Bucher History As a...